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at Mon Jun 11 18:20:13 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by GrotesqueBurgess ]
Do I need to worry that my adult male plated lizard hasn't been eating for a few weeks if he is still in good body condition? If so... what are some tricks to get him back eating (he's never had a problem before) and do I need to consider force-feeding, because I am concerned that that will be really difficult (he is big and has enormous jaw pressure) and I have no idea how to go about it.
Background info: his diet consists of calcium/vitd/multi-vitamin dusted canned insects (including canned crickets, mealworms, dragon-fly nymphs, snails, grasshoppers, etc). He lives in a 55 gallon terrarium with a bedding mixture of bedabeast mixed with aspen shavings. He has a uva/uvb light (how often do i need to replace the bulb for the uva/uvb to stay strong?), a cyramic-light heater and a plant grow bulb. He also has a large waterbowl that i use repti-safe water conditioner and electrolyte additive with. He has a hide-box and a basking log.
Does anybody have any clue why he isn't eating? What can I do about it? When should I worry about it? Am I doing something wrong or missing something?
any help would be appreciated.
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Important... - GrotesqueBurgess, Mon Jun 11 18:20:13 2007