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at Mon Aug 27 13:02:31 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by GrotesqueBurgess ]
My plated lizard doesn't rub against things to shed either. He just waits (I guess) until one of my friends comes over and proceeds to pet the scales off of him. He isn't the same type of plated that you have, but I get the impression that they aren't like most lizards when it comes to shedding. Their skin is too 'plated' to let them shed like more smoothe scaled lizards.
I don't think that your lizard needs to be bathed though. The yellow throated lizard comes from very dry/rocky environments. They are designed to not need a lot of moisture. If he does have a problem, it is very unlikely that it would be a humidity/moisture problem. Adding a large water bowl to the cage would bring the humidity above what they would find in wild situations, and therefore would be more than sufficient.
Good for you getting the supplements. I used Reptical with Vit.D and Reptimin multivitamins for my plated lizard, along with a calcium adding water conditioner.
Many petstores sell shedding aids for lizards/snakes, and all should be perfectly safe. I've used them on my plated in the past. Because of their plates though, you still have to rub a little to get those scales to fall. I don't bother with it anymore. Water with a little vegetable oil, shaken and sprayed, seems to do the exact same thing.
I wouldn't worry about your plated. As long as he is in the appropriate environment (dry with rough bark or stones to rub against, a hiding place, etc) he should be fine. Make sure to feed a variety of foods, dusted with supplements.
Also, I'm not sure if you know this, but having a UVA/UVB light fixture in addition to your heat source is VITAL to keeping these lizards healthy. If you don't have one, that very well may be your problem.
Also, as most if not all plated lizards are wild collected, he may have endo or exo parasites or be stressed out from the transition to captivity. ----- ~Sara~ 5.5 ball pythons 1.0 Black-lined plated lizard (Lizzy Butt) 0.1 Burmese Python (Pixil) 2.1 Pet Rats 1.1 Dogs (Ozzie and Mandy) 0.1 Cat (Isis) 0.0.1 Synodontis Catfish (Big Spotty Fish) 0.2 Convict Cichlids
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- Shed Problems - maskdt, Sun Aug 26 21:30:34 2007
RE: Shed Problems - GrotesqueBurgess, Mon Aug 27 13:02:31 2007