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RE: Mossy tree frogs

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Posted by: otis07 at Thu Nov 1 08:53:00 2007  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by otis07 ]  

Slaytonp- I have had my mossies for about three months now, and I LOVE them. They are absolutely gorgeous and pics don’t do them justice. From my experience, which is limited, they seem pretty hardy. I have three juvies (they are about 1 inch now) in a 10 gallon. It has about 2.5-3 inches of water. There is a piece of floating cork and moss covered rocks. I put tons of plant cuttings in and they have since grown and adapted. Their favorite plant so far would be the pothos; they hide on the underside during the day and come out at night to hunt. They also stay under water for a good chunk of the day. It scared the crap out of me when I first got them because they stayed completely submerged for a long time. They will also stick to the glass underwater and just keep their nose up to breath, although they tend to hide in the water plants when they sense your presence. They don’t move at all during the day, but at night they seem to get more arboreal.

For substrate I just have gravel, and that doesn’t seem to hurt their skin at all. I think eventually I will add a little sand to the top though. When I first got them I was a little worried about water quality, but that hasn’t been a problem. The only thing that I would worry about is the buildup of dead crickets. I don’t have a filter so I just net them out. I do leave some in though; there is this green algae/aquatic moss stuff that is starting to “eat” the dead crix. I think all the plants help with the water quality a lot though. I didn’t start off with any aquatic plants, but they kind of just appeared. I think that is due to the light and the dead crix. I have an energy efficient spirally bulb on it and it produced a lot of light. They don’t like it too hot, but a lot of light is ok and I didn’t have a florescent…

Where were you thinking of getting your mossies? has them and I got mine from Aaron always has them available, and saurian only has them available sporadically I think. For a 55 gallon, you could get a lot. I would say 5 to a 30 gallon, and maybe 7ish for a 55 gallon. If you were planning on breeding it’s better to have more males. They aren’t at all territorial, but what I thought was kind of neat is they lay individual eggs, they will lay on the branches that are coming out of the water and the eggs each will be laid and fertilized separately. has a really detailed care sheet on them and it was published in REPTILES magazine a little while ago.

Good luck if you do decide to get them and I hope this helped!
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