Posted by:
at Tue Jul 22 16:47:16 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by otis07 ]
how long has he been out of the water? when they are absorbing their tails they don't eat anything, and usually not for the day after as well. are the ff flightless? if not it will be very hard for the little guy to catch. has ff available. bufo americanis are extremely hardy little guys, i raised over 50 tads and have 4 little babies right now so if you have any more questions i can help.
as far as that one being a runt, i doubt it, the tadpoles often are larger than the metamorphosed toad. i have my 4 toads in a 190 oz. bin with 3 inches of leaf litter, a small piece of driftwood, and some plant clippings. this type set up has always worked for me. the more hiding spots minimize stress and less stress=the animal wanting to eat more. ----- A room of herps.
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