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at Mon Aug 11 10:59:06 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by DavidKendrick ]
We recently rescued a fairly good sized Sulcata, about 12" or so in shell lenght, she is pretty healhty, and we have set her up in a temperary enclosure...that is 5'x3', we originally had Dirt with a layer of Hay...but she was gettting WAY we are now using a fine playground type sand as substrate. We have a Zoo Med Powersun UV Self-Ballasted Mercury Vapor UVB Lamp 100W about 2.5 -3 feet away from the basking area, which temps guns out to be about 100'-101' with the cool side being around 82-85'.
We are feeding her a mimxture of Kale, Collard Greens, Mustard Greens, Shredded Carrots, Shredded Zucinee as well as Dandilion leaves and clover from our yard...which we NEVER use pesticides or fertilizers on... With a dusting of Calcium Powder every other feeding or so. We usually feed at least once a day...sometimes two.
Her feces look really good, the one thing I noticed was she pee's....I mean really urinates...I am so used to lizards and snakes...which have white urates, is it normal for Turtles to actually urinate? she will be walking around...and then stop and just shoots out water...which I am guessing is urine...right? Sorry for being so blunt...or descriptive...but I just want to make sure its normal for them to do this.
We where given this Sulcata as we have had year of expereince with snakes and Lizards...But Turtles, Tortoises, and Amphibians are something we have never worked a WHOLE lot with. I know I might get some harsh comments...and I am prepaired to learn as much as I can, I want to do whats best for the Tortoise...seems like Sulcatas are the Iguana of the Tortoise Wold...or the Burmese of the Snake world...they are cute as babies, cheap as hell, and in the end...nobody wants them...
Any Advice or help or suggestions...or anything would be greatly appreciated, I really like this her, and want to make sure I am within reasonable guidlines for her care. We have kept and bred lizards and snakes....but you can only read so much info...I am looking for personal expereince...That would be great...Thanks.
![]( ----- Executive Reptiles Amanda Kingsbury & David Kendrick
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Opinions and Advise.... - DavidKendrick, Mon Aug 11 10:59:06 2008