Posted by:
at Fri Apr 10 11:45:29 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by tripletoes ]
there is no antibiotic that i am aware of that you can buy over the counter for an ri. this is what i have done to cure it though. i got one of thoes heavy duty spotlight fixtures from the hardware store (make sure it has a ceramic base or can handle what you are about to put to it) the ones with the clamp and they have a aluminum piece that goes around the bulb. any way hopefully you know the one i am talking about. i get a 150 watt flood light and install it in the spot light. depending on the size of the sulcata i place the tort in a large rubbermaid container at LEAST twice the size of its body.turn on the spotlight so it is on half of the container make sure that the sulcata has plenty of room to get out of the light if it needs to dont overheat it! i usually place the bulb so that it is about 12 in. from the top of its shell. keep a close eye on it and feel the top of the shell after about 30 min. you want it to be hot kinda of like it has been sunning in the middle of summer, you dont want it to hot to where your like any body got some eggs? if its to hot of course back up the bulb. this is a solution i have used in the past as an alturnative to baytril or other antibiotics. yes the vet is the best solution but not always an option. i sent 3 to the vet this winter and it got pricey, about 300 with the scrip. also idk what part of the us you are in but it is warming up. the sulcata uses heat along with most other reptiles to activate its immune system. so it might just kick it all el natural. good luck!! i hope this helps
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