Posted by:
at Fri Dec 25 18:21:12 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by retaks13mac ]
I would honestly suggest you return it to the wild. Turtles that are taken from the wild to be kept as pets usually get sick and die or just don't do well after being taken from the wild. If you want a turtle as a pet go to a local pet store or shelter near you and get one from there. They are a lot of turtles that need homes out there. Please return the turtle to the wild or else you very well could kill it.
Also if you were thinking of keeping that adult turlte in a 20 gallon tank you need to do a little bit of research. an adult turtle should have around 75 gallons of water for swimming, atleast 50 gallons. They also need special UV lights, water filters, and water heaters.
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