Posted by:
at Tue Mar 23 10:58:19 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by WSTREPS ]
I think we could go even further and reach out to farmers and hunters and fisherman as well. peta is after us all. we are all in the same boat. An enemy of my enemy is my friend.
I agree but, business makes for strange bedmates. It would be nice and Ive already made the suggestion a long time ago, how great it would be if the commercial fishing industry and cattle farmers would step up to the plate on the pet trades behalf and the trade could return the favor but, just like the big pet chains these huge industry's have more to gain by playing ball with the major activist groups then by fighting with them. Not long ago here in Florida the OLD Amblyomma tick scare once again raised its head (based on highly flawed science) the cattle farmers certainly showed no love for the trade and backed the HSUS.
A company like Nestlé Purina is PART of the farm trade, they are also part of so many other things from everyready batteries to breakfast cereal, professional sports, that's the kind of player the trade really needs to have on board, but what can the trade offer in return? Why should they back exotic owners? I still think the most realistic approach is to at least try and get pet owners and the entire exotic industry on the same page first then build from there, To this point that looks to be impossible and if things get heavy and the activist groups really start putting the peddle down this disjointed approach the industry has taken in the past will be recipe for major disaster,
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