Posted by:
at Thu May 20 10:57:29 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by SnakesAndStuff ]
cobrafan write:
I don't agree with the statement that there is not a need for more venom for antivenom production,etc. Case in point: Almost out of Coral Snake Antivenom from Wyeth! I know that there are foreign manufacturer's of S. American Coral Snake Antivenom, but still... Drew.
This is incorrect information. The shortage of coral snake antivenom from Wyeth is because they stopped production of the antivenom, not because there was a lack of raw venom. This further supports that the venom market is currently saturated.
I'm not saying it can't be done, I'm saying that it is impractical. That isn't a business you can currently just walk into.
trench wrote:
i want to deal with venomous snakes to extract venom and stuff like that
While the individual may truly be interested, statements like this make me think that they might have the cart before the horse. As others have pointed out, this individual came in here, was rude, had a chip on their shoulder, and didn't like it when they got answers that were factual and real. Also, as far as policing/governing ourselves this post shows all kinds of red flags. Someone just doesn't walk in and start milking snakes "for fun." I would say this is akin to someone posting on an aviation forum and asking: "Hey, I saw a guy flying an F-16 on TV. I want to just take one out for the weekend for a quick solo flight, I don't want to go through flight school or anything like that."
I mean no offense to the original poster. I just sincerely question their motives, background, and the reality of their ideas of venom extraction.
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