Posted by:
at Mon May 24 23:30:55 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by bitsybertha ]
The heat pad was a heat wave 16watt. The light bulb was a repti glo 18" 5.0 that is 15 watts. I was using the eco earth substrate, and had a block of it in there. The substrate was 2-3 inches deep at least and moist. As I read having a deep substrate can have negative effects if the turtle burrows to deeply. She was in the setup with no problems for Friday and Saturday, and When I checked on her Sunday she had died. I found the turtle upside down in a creek bed and it appeared dead. I had been trying to get her good and healthy and a little bigger before releasing her back to the wild. I would never have taken her, but she seemed gravely ill. After a few days of hydration and food she perked up. She could have been in worse shape than i though when I found her. The creek is prone to rapidly flood and had a large presence of raccoon tracks, so a hatch ling that was stuck upside down was sure to meet a grisly fate. I tried my best but sadly she didn't make it.
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