Posted by:
at Mon Dec 6 10:06:25 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by revolutionmellon ]
Seed moths. Happens alot with bird food/ pellets.
You can freeze it, or microwave it to kill them, but I would never buy something and accept that its infested. Also they will spread in your home and infest YOUR food.
You can do an internet search on bird seed moths, but don't accept that the food has moths, thats gross.
I feed my lizards Zupreem Bird Pellets, or Rep-Cal (much more expensive) or Harrison's Bird pellets (very pricey). They do not have the alfafa/hay basis, but they keep them full and chunky. (although my cyclura is addicted to the zupreem and is highly territorial of her food bowl now... ) Zoomed iguana is alfafa based and I would think would be comprable to Mazuri, but then again, more expensive 
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