Posted by:
at Thu Jul 21 01:14:14 2011 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by SnakeyLakey ]
When they got to the appropriate size I would pick them up and put them in a zip lock bag and put them in the freezer. I did feel bad that they had to die to feed my snakes but I did not feel bad about how they were dying. Never crossed my mind. Until now.... but not sure why....
I guess I'm asking several questions HOW and WHY with the co2, and also I'm looking for a "YES" when I ask if anyone just throws them in the freezer like i did?? Just so I don't feel so bad.
I used to put live mice in containers and then put them in the freezer; until I got in trouble with the Humane Society and learned that it was illegal to put mice into the freezer (even if they are intended for snake food). In fact, the presence of frozen rodents in the freezer is considered positive proof that the felony crime of Animal Hoarding has occurred.
{Anytime a household has more than ten animals in total, they are guilty of the felony crime of Animal Hoarding. Just a single mouse litter can put a household over the maximum legal limit. Even if all of the animals are well cared for, just the fact of having more than ten animals counts is a felony; for which, the penalty is unreasonably severe!}
Story time: When I was little my mom put a little kitten on a stump and cut it's head off with an axe, because it had a Wolf in it's neck. NOW... Why did she do that when she could have just put it in a hole and covered it up? It was going to die either way. Not sure. I am sure that she felt bad that it had to die and maybe she thought it needed a quick death. End of story. Just for your info I found out later that you can get a wolf out of a cats neck and save the cat.
"you can get a wolf out of a cats neck" Please define wolf in this usage.
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- How to kill - KingDome, Tue Jul 19 14:13:33 2011
- RE: How to kill - mrkent, Wed Jul 20 22:15:35 2011
RE: How to kill - SnakeyLakey, Thu Jul 21 01:14:14 2011
- RE: How to kill - DocOp, Thu Jul 28 13:08:53 2011