Posted by:
at Fri Sep 7 22:01:13 2012 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by crocdoc2 ]
"It seems that you both are focusing on the fact that I asked for information and breeding was an example of the information I was looking for. Overall I am simply searching for any information that will aid in caring for the monitors."
Keeping a pair as 'pets', whether they are bred or not, has been covered in posts by both FR and myself.
"If there is no other information out there on the requirements for yellow monitors other than what searches find then that is fine and I will contact the local zoo/safari park.
Having worked in the zoo industry for many years I can say that looking to a zoo/safari park for 'best practice' when it comes to monitor care (with some exceptions) is going to accelerate your abandonment of the hobby through disappointment.
One final bit of advice. Part of the reason your post has met with mainly discouraging remarks, aside from the species you've chosen to keep, is the nature of your inquiry. I'm a member of a number of forums, covering everything from video editing to monitor keeping. One thing I've rarely seen on a video editing forum is a post that starts with 'tell me how to edit video' and that never ends well. People who have clearly already done some research and then have specific questions get answered.
Search around a number of forums to gather some information and then word your question differently. For example: "I'm thinking of trying this setup, what are your comments?" will probably get a fair number of responses. "Tell me about the care of monitor species X" will not, for a couple of reasons: 1. The answer will require a huge amount of time from the person responding, for it will end up being a book length post if it's to cover the topic adequately and 2. Those people have probably already written book length posts on the topic elsewhere so the information is already out there. Most forums have a search function, so if you search for 'melinus' you'll probably find a fair bit.
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