Posted by:
at Wed Apr 9 19:44:47 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by DanKrull ]
We seem to have derailed the issue a bit here, so let me reiterate for the person asking the original question: Yes.
The bedding is suitable. Make sure your snake has water, and/or a moist hide, and you won't have to worry about dehydration.
To clarify the comments of my fellow hognose lovers:
Offering them a moist hide, and offering them water are almost the same thing. Drinking water allows them to replace water that has been lost, and a moist hide allows them to slow the dehydration process.
In any environment, wild or captive, snakes are going to dehydrate as part of their natural biological processes and as a result of their environment. If the humidity is low, and the temperature is high, they will dehydrate faster. In response to dehydration they will A. drink water if it's available, or B. Seek a humid place to hide to conserve moisture until water becomes available. None of this has anything to do with the original question, and they are very basic concepts of how life on earth occurs.
I prefer having clean water available at all times, and a dry cage, because the dry cage allows their feces to dry out, and prevents bacteria, yeast and other nasties growing in the bedding. These things can and will lead to various illnesses.
I monitor the snakes for signs of dehydration, such as proper shedding, appetite, and digestion, and I make adjustments where necessary. (adding a moist hide, spraying the cage down, etc.)
This isn't really something that we need to argue about. It is basic husbandry, right?
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