Posted by:
at Fri Apr 11 09:52:31 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]
Hi Dan, it appears to me, you would rather be argumentative then have a discussion. When you do so, you should really make sure you know what your talking about. Also you appear A or Z, which is common when someone is being argumentative. For example, CHRONIC does not mean all, it means this; Chronic, 1
a : marked by long duration or frequent recurrence : not acute
b : suffering from a chronic disease
a : always present or encountered; especially : constantly vexing, weakening, or troubling
b : being such habitually It does not mean all. In this context it means, long lasting, low levels of dehydration, in most cases none symptomatic in the short term. This is very common in the pet trade, And what we can discuss, common in most caging systems. You may want to read up on how snakes process water. Of interest, snakes do not sweat, they pass urine in crystal form, not liquid. About fungus, mold, etc. Sir that is the Z in A or Z. Snakes do not require high humidity, they do not tolerate drying conditions well.
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