Posted by:
at Mon Apr 14 14:58:16 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]
Does anyone know if currently this is even a cross. I was told, hmmmmmmm no need to read, that getula was narrowed way down, to one or two types. Or is going to be. About crossing kings. First, what your going to get is dark getula. not so much black, just dark and possibly speckled getula, which I agree would not be attractive. About breeding them, the way your going about it is problematic. Both types are snake feeders, and they feed on snakes that are not THEM. That is important to understand. Them is the scent of their parents and siblings. All else is often considered "others" so its fair game to eat. Remember, they do not keep up with current taxonomy or even old taxonomy. All they know is, what smells like us, is us, what doesn't is not. Which brings us up to how. First and best is to raise the intended species together from as young as possible. But if you do not have the ability or patience for that, then place them together during hibernation, when they are not in feeding mode. Those are the two best methods, Anything else like scent trickery can work or not and not is a fairly high percentage. I crossed a thayeri with a black and white cal king. After a couple generations, one hatchling came out a black and white cal king with a fine alterna pattern, tiny black bands, with small black alternate markings I no longer have those animals. A friend does. Good luck and make sure you label any results as what they are, crosses/hybrids.
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