Posted by:
at Mon Apr 28 11:59:22 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]
In order to prevent mass corruption of nests by predators, the females cannot leave that to chance. So it becomes inherent. They put eggs in areas that make it difficult for predators to find. This approach is cover above and below them on the evolutionary chain, starts with amphibs and past reptiles to birds. Lets apply what we know, snake eggs can hatch in a range of temps, from the high sixties to low ninties and in smaller range of humidity. Those conditions are relatively easy to find. HECK anywhere there are snakes, those conditions occur. So just maybe, hiding eggs is more important and more critical then the simple hatching of eggs. This is critical, we as keepers are narrow minded and only think are conditions for egg hatching. Which is not what concerns female snakes. Their prime instinct is to avoid nest predation. And your a predator. And its instinctual. So now I will be mean and bad, and ask, what are/were you thinking? I now ask, what were your reasons. My feelings are, all of us would do the right thing if we had the real reasons. But then I am naive
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