Posted by:
at Wed Apr 30 23:45:23 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Bluerosy ]
Stay away from any bulbs or overhead heating. It will just dry out the snake. Kings and especially neonates dehydrate very easily.
How is the snake feeding? Is he feeding every other day or every 3 days? Are you offering food?
You should be good with the untertank heating. We call it a hotspot. It is just a place the snake can choose to go to and get away from.
Only thing I am concerned with is the UTH under just one small portion of the unit? If not then you have the whole tank to hot.. Don't you think a snake would cook in the sun if it stays too long.. They know when it is too hot and when to move.
You want to make sure the snake has as many temperature gradient choices as possible..the larger the gradient from hot to cold is best. If you have a cold room and a large tank you could possibly get a very large gradient . The bigger the gradient (lets say 55F-100F) the better, The smaller the gradient (75-85)not as good for the snake. Point is as long as it can get warm and get cold you are allowing the snake the choices.
If you read the threads below you will see that the snakes mostly choose colder temps (50F) when they are not digesting a meal to conserve calories. Then when they eat they move to hot-wram, cool back to warm ect to choose the best temsp to properly diegest their bolus.
There is a lot of info in below threads. Read some of the recent threada in the past two weeks. Pay special attention to FR's posts. If you read that you will have your questions answered. ----- FR quote: "Doing the same things over and over expecting to learn something else, is the definition of insanity"
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