Posted by:
at Fri Jun 20 12:01:43 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by markg ]
When I saw Catalina in your post, I was thinking Catalina Island off of So Cal, but now I realize you mean the island in the Sea of Cortez.
Regarding the Catalina off of So Cal (Los Angeles), there is a thriving population of garter snakes in one coastal stream canyon. The story is that these snakes rafted down from Santa Cruz area, as there is an ocean current that tends to deposit floating debris from that area into one area on the back of Catalina. I have seen a picture, and they look just like the Santa Cruz garter snake, with a thick yellow stripe down the back. Anyway, just thought it was interesting.
I have been searching for California mtn kings in Palos Verdes where I live. There have been "sightings" dating back to the 60s, but the data is really weak and usually by people who have zero knowledge of snake species. However, Palos Verdes was an island alot like Catalina and not connected to the mainland until the whole area uplifted. It would have been tough for mtn kings to get here when the surrounding areas had Cal kings and such. This is my guess, so I think the chance of mtn kings on Catalina and Palos Verdes is extremely low. Would love someone to help out here.
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