Posted by:
at Tue Jul 22 10:23:38 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]
Two folks have observed hognose eggs when laid under five days from the pre-egg laying shed, that did not have vascular development. One person, Cacacal says one of his did have vascular development when laid within the five day time period. Next would be, how many others, have observed anything to help this conversation? My friend Dennis at our local reptile store, has hogs and had nesting problems and I told him about deep nesting. He Tried it. His hog laid the next day after it shed. He dug her up and she fed like crazy. His only concern was, She did not come up, she went down. He was only checking to see what she was doing the day after the shed and found a cave with eggs in it. He did not candle the eggs and they are incubating now. Dennis's information is also heresay to this conversation, but is a NOTE, as is those that Caracal mentions. This is important, nothing done here is purely scientific and could not be published in a paper that ends in a conclusion. But, there are lots and lots of information what could be published as notes. Notes are important. Notes are what is rare in publishing, as researchers cannot make a name or achieve a degree, for themselves by publishing notes. Notes are needed to improve the data base for publications. Researchers require notes. So NOTED, caracals observations, vs. Gregg and mines. Any more real notes out there? if not, it gives all of us something to look into next year and in the years to come. end pt2
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