Posted by:
at Tue Jul 22 21:18:28 2014 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by caracal ]
Just spoke to another breeder, this afternoon...
I am not trying to convince people to believe me - nobody has to. Some people know me and do trust that I'm an honest person.
Generally, I think, as grown-ups we all sort through what we read online and try to make a determination as to what sounds authentic, valid or reasonable.
This forum is not a court of law. We are all entitled to present ideas and those who read them should choose what they want to do with them. There is no reason for aggressive responses or cheap personal attacks.
In that vein, I will "note" that again this afternoon I asked another breeder, who we all know and who most of us respect, about his experiences. Again , he told me he that all his hogs lay between 7 and 12 days after pre-lay shed and that all the clutches have some eggs that clearly display a vascular system. I present the feedback he gave me, fully cognizant of the fact that I haven't provided all the info that Gregg and FR would like to know. My job isn't to answer the questions that they want answering to help buttress their theory. That's their job!! I don't have to present data or "notes" according to someone else's terms. Whoever reads my posts can choose what they want to do with the info. The only reason I don't say the names of the breeders is because they all said exactly the same thing: The forum is too political and unpleasant and they avoid it.
I am not here to answer someone else's questions, unless I feel it has a constructive purpose and that they talk to me respectfully, in which case I will respond in kind. I will certainly not respond to someone who engages in personal attacks as a strategy for debate. I came to this forum to share and exchange ideas with fair-minded people, not to have an aggressive debate with people who have already decided they have all the answers.
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