Posted by:
at Wed Feb 4 11:37:04 2015 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]
Of course we call you names, you have none. If you had a name, you would actually be somebody, but your not. By the way look up bullying. Its what your doing to me. You see, its you that attack posts with your silly BS. . Rationalizations for such behavior(bullying) sometimes include differences of social class, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, behavior, body language, personality, reputation, lineage, strength, size or ability. You have none of those, and are afraid to say who you are, for fear of ridicule. You keep bullying me on several of those. Yet no one bully you there is nothing to bully. Your nothing but fart gas. I do thank for causing me to look up all these things, one day, I am going to be pretty smart.
Let me see if I understand this correctly. If we met in person and you acted like you do, And I resorted to beating the shat out odd you(even at my advanced age). That would not be bullying, it would be a simple arse whopping. If I kept seeking you out and whopping your arse over and over, that would be bullying. Do I have that right? Sadly, we are both insane, you for being such a stupid shat, and me for thinking its funny and playing your silly game. But then, its winter, soon there will be lots of hog stuff to talk about. I will be doing that. But you will only talk about bullying and me. You love me don't you. Wanta kiss?
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