Posted by:
at Mon Feb 16 03:39:57 2015 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by markg ]
If I remember correctly, the axanthic Limburg does not produce the really white snows. It is the axanthic Morongo that does a better job of eliminating color. I hope someone can offer additional or more accurate info on the white snow subject, and correct me if I am wrong.
The Limburgs (hets, albinos and axanthics) get nice and big. They feed without trouble and are more tolerant of husbandry mistakes. They originated from a locality that has a bit higher average humidity than the Morongos or Borregos, so they are less sensitive to humidity problems. That is their draw, apart from being beautiful.
I used to breed rosies way back, but nothing like snows. After much trial, I found that they do very well with limited ventilation as long as I did not keep water in the cage more than a day or two at a time. When ambient humidity was moderate, I just did not offer water. When ambient humidity was low, I offered water. Worked very well. I also kept heat on all Winter, though the rest of the cage got into the 50s F.
Some people use screen tops for more ventilation to remedy too much humidity. Make sure you offer a tight hide if doing so. I am not a fan of screen tops for snakes. Too drying. IMO, much simpler to just take out the water bowl. Rosies in the wild do not have burrows with water bowls. They conserve water by avoiding dessicating conditions.
I find rosies to be similar to hognose snakes in temperature preferences. Even they way they feed reminds me of hognose, well except for the constriction. I find that rosies really seemed to like the use of plain packing paper crumpled up. I use packing paper in rolls from Home Depot - it is really just unprinted newspaper. Rosies like to hide under it, with the weight of it on them. You can use aspen too with the paper, or just aspen, or just paper. See what works for yours. My rosies seemed less stressed with paper. In fact, I had to be careful. When in feed mode, they would erupt from under the paper. I got nailed a few times. Rosies have strong jaws believe it or not.
Pic is Whitewater rosy habitat. Beautiful.
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