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at Fri Dec 4 22:26:09 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by mdurks17 ]
Hey guys. New here, forgive me for the lack of proper introduction but I have more than a few questions and since I'm extremely tired and not confident in my ability to explain them properly, I'll go with a simple explanation and question. Thanks for anyone who responds in advance
So for AP Biology my teacher told us that he had, a few years back, obtained one male red guppy and one female yellow guppy in an effort to study dominent and recessive traits just for fun, eventually culminating in what he explained was a tank of guppies that can be found nowhere else in the world. The first generation (F1) was mostly red, then after that some more yellows appeared and now, he's shown, there are some with a red front, orange middle and yellow tail. Recently I had some heartbreak in that my Turtle I'd had since age 5 (had been with me more than 3/4 of my life) passed away and so either out of interest in my teacher's claims or sadness in my loss, I obtained four guppies from a LFS. With some help from a very helpful employee, I received two true breeding pairs, one set of striking yellow colored guppies and another set of rainbow tailed guppies.
Since then I have moved them into a 10 gallon tank that I have split in half, placing the male rainbow with the female yellow and vice versa. My question for the moment is if this is a bad idea? Once I believe a female is pregnant (and close to conception), she will be placed in a breeding box I have procured from a local Petco, though I also had the idea to simply move the males together on one side and the females on the other if pregnancy in both was assured in an attempt to stop possible harrassment. Can anyone lend a hand here? I apologize for this lengthy mass of questioning gook but as I previously mentioned, it's been a long day but I would like the best for my fish because I really do see this as being a hobby I could grow very interested in.
Thanks very much, ~Matt
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- Guppy beginning breeder question - mdurks17, Fri Dec 4 22:26:09 2009