Posted by:
at Thu Jan 20 16:10:09 2005 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Spiritlite ]
Help!!! I moved in with my boyfriend 6 months ago. He has a Burmese, and I had two "all sorts" cats. The burmese was adopted by my boyfriend when his landlady had to move out of state. Sammy, the Burmese, is obviously very attached to my boyfriend. It seems that since my cats and myself moved in, Sammy has done a lot of pacing. He comes into the house and will pace on his "trail" constantly, exact same route all the time. My boyfriend said that Sammy has done this before. We recently adopted a kitten who was dumped at my workplace, and it was good for Sammy as Sammy and the kitten play constantly and are always together. Sammy still paces. No matter what we do he cannot stop focusing on pacing. It happens about 2 times a day, usually at nighttime. I have been attributing it to the fact that he is purebred (he is a thoroughbred although we don't know much about his breeders as my boyfriend never received papers from his exowner). Could it be that Sammy is inbred? A bit too much of a thoroughbred, I'm used to having purebred dogs, but not used to cats. I'm also not familiar with the burmese breed, I know that they are extremely intelligent. Sammy seems overly neurotic. Does anyone have any suggestions??? Thankyou so much Michelle
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- My Burmese paces constantly, and almost neurotically!!! - Spiritlite, Thu Jan 20 16:10:09 2005