Posted by:
at Wed Jun 28 22:25:46 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHMadameAlto ]
Wow! What a problem. You seem to be doing all the right things. Here are a few thoughts...
Sometimes cats really like to poop on smooth surfaces like a bathtub. This can be problematic to say the least. Do you have a way to put an empty litter box somewhere where they can poop?
Another you have three litterboxes widely spaced? Many cat experts say that in multiple cat households that you need one litterbox per cat plus one extra!
I would recommend trying the "Cat Attract" litter in all your boxes! This may help.
Kittens are very poopy creatures - their digestive systems are fragile. They may have some medical issues going on. I really think that given the problems you are facing, that a vet exam is in order right now rather than watiting until September. Your vet may want to refer you to an animal behaviorist just in case the problem isn't medical.
Best wishes. Let us know what happens! -----
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