Posted by:
at Sun Jun 26 01:51:16 2005 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by kakel ]
Hi Julie... I am very sorry to hear about Cookie's diagnosis. As a people with diabetes I have to totally agree with the advice AshelyElla gave you about feeding a food that is higher in protein (meat) and lower in cerial type foods (carbs).
In a diabetic (and i assume this pertains to cats as well as humans) protein, fat, and fiber tends to digest slower then carbs...thus helping to stabilize blood sugar. The goal of treating diabetes is to avoid big swings in blood sugar. So for people eating a balance of protein, fat, fiber along with their carbs is VERY important. That way when you eat carbs along with the others you are taking the carbs into your system much slower. Actually this is good for any person...not just a makes you feel better, less afternoon fatigue, often less moody....because these things are caused by blood sugar swings in a persons blood...even in the non-diabetic.
Another thing (and speak to you vet about this before making any move) if Cookie is overweight loosing some weight may benefit her hugely. Very often diabetes is caused by obesity....the simple explanation (and you can find TONS of info on this subject online...type in insulin resistance and/or diabetes {type 2}) is a person becomes insulin resistant .....meaning they cannot correctly use the insulin their pancreas produces because of excess body fat...that causes their blood sugar to be higher, so their pancreas puts out even more insulin, which can make you hungry, you eat, and your blood sugar goes even's a nasty circle to get caught in. If it goes on for too long it can actually cause the pancreas to wear out and stop producing any insulin at that case the person would become a insulin dependent type 2 diabetic. The way the circle broken is if the pancreas is still producing insulin, to balance the diet with a good amount of protein, good fats, and fiber...and to NEVER eat just carbs alone. So a cat food that is higher in protein, fat and maybe fiber would help stabilize Cookie's blood sugar better if a cat's digestive system works the same as a persons....again.....ask you vet!
I don't know much about cat diabetes...but I do know a whole lot about people diabetes (actually our metabolisms are a fascinating topic once you really get into it!)....but unless Cookie is elderly and especially if she is overweight I strongly suspect some of what I have just told you will help.
Good luck with her and let us know how she does!!!!!! ----- Deb owned by Booger and Tiny Dancer and the mom of the late, great Kakel
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