Posted by:
at Mon Jul 9 19:37:58 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by SolaandLunasmom ]
Hi there. Sola had loose stool throughout the weekend and his fecal check turned out to be negative, so I decided to take him in today.
They did an x-ray of his stomach just to be sure he didn't have an impacted hairball or anything and he was fine. A urinalysis and blood panel are being run tomorrow and they will call me back about it. They also gave me metronitazol to give him for 10 days.
He does have a history of IBD and in addition to his loose stools the last 2 weeks, he's also vomited a few times. Hairballs twice and light brown fluid twice. I'm hoping it's just his IBD acting up, but the vet thought that if this continues that maybe we should have a biopsy of his intestines to make sure he doesn't have cancer. He has been fine for the last 11 years (except for his atrial septal defect) and goes through little bouts of vomiting and loose stools, but it's never lasted this long. Have you ever seen cancer in the intestines? And his disposition is totally the same as it was!
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