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at Thu Aug 2 14:47:28 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHWildCat ]
Although a kitten can survive without Mom from about 6 weeks on, she still has a lot to teach them and they have a lot to learn from her and their siblings. At 6 weeks they are usually eating on their own but most are still nursing a little, especially at bedtime and before naps. Most people now believe that kittens should stay with their Mom until 12 weeks old at which time they are usually independent of her and no longer nursing at all. ----- PHWildCat/Tessa and 21 cats, 1 dog and even a hamster Tabitha, in my heart forever.... earned her wings 6/26/05, Samantha, the bestest whineameezer...earned her wings 4/7/06. Cat Board Monitor and Chat Host Pet Hobbyist
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