Posted by:
at Tue Oct 2 16:53:19 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by ttpurr4cat ]
I have more than one watch but really only wear one. It is gold and silver so it matches everything. It has a back up old one that winds, in case it's battery dies. ----- Tessa Onyx, Foudini, Charlee, Spottie, ShyRaven, Buddy, Tuxie, Widdle Attila Sipowitz, Lizzie, Minnie, ET, Mylo, Penny (We be house cats at last), and Salem, Wicca and Marmalade (We iz also house cats, we guess)and the 5 porch kits also Riley da goggie and Buddha da baby hamster too Tabitha and Samantha..always in our hearts
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