Posted by:
at Wed Sep 8 16:14:27 2004 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by platanna ]
The fact that the frogs are still feeding is very unusual because illness is usually accompanied by a loss of appetite. Before you give up completely I suggest that you forget the medications and chemicals and transfer the frogs to a clean container of fresh water at the same temperature. It doesn't have to be a tank. A black plastic bucket or something similar would be ideal. Use only enough water to enable the frogs to stand up with their nostrils protruding out of the water. Place something over the top, such as a sheet of glass and keep the bucket in a shady, quiet place without disturbing the frogs unnecessarily. Keep them there for a day then check to see if there's any improvement. If there is, change the water again and keep doing so until you know which way things are going. You have nothing to lose by trying this and sometimes, though not always, it does work with some conditions.
My advice for the future is not to feed them fish. Sudden problems of this kind seem to arise with frogs fed on fish.
I hope things work out okay for you.
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