Posted by:
Ryan Shackleton
at Mon Sep 19 09:28:42 2005 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Ryan Shackleton ]
1. There was someone on this forum a few years ago(on the old system) who did some work with venomoid cobras and noticed that when they bit a rodent(mouse or rat) they were paralyzed after a few minutes and dead within a half hour. Apparently after venom gland removal the saliva was still toxic-not a full "charge" but enough to cause sickness in humans, possibly worse. I don't know if it would be possible to find these posts or not since they were on the old system. 2. The one I never thought of-I think it was on the venomoid subforum(post a month or 2 old, read it last night). In an intact venomous snake the venom from a bite "flushes" the fang channel whenever the snake bites. When this stops bacteria xcan build up in the channel, then get into the wound when it bites. I don't know how true the "toxic saliva" claim is, but it would be interesting to see what BGF had to say about it, and the "bacterial injection" makes enough sense to be possibl, whio knows?
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