Posted by:
at Tue Jun 20 14:36:35 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by LSD ]
I don't know if Albinos have a more difficult pregnancy or not. I do know....
I purchased a pair of Albinos in 1999. In 2003, 2004, and 2005 I tried to breed the female. I purchased a Het male to do the job, since the male Albino I purchased was a brother to the female. I don't like to breed siblings when it comes to Albinos. Anyway I've had 4 different males breeding her in last 3 years. They courted and copulated for months. I saw sperm yuck on my female and all over the cage. Also, 3 of the males I used on her were "proven breeders". To date my female Albino has "NEVER OVULATED!!" I've also never had a successful breeding using the male on other females. Of course, the last 2 seasons he was breeding a BCC of unknown origin. I suspect that both of my Albinos are sterile. I'll keep trying to pair them up and get babies, but basically I consider them "pets".
Now, I purchased a pair of "Het for Albino" in 2003. I purchased the male and female from different breeders.
This year my Het female gave birth to 8 66% Possible Hets and 4 Albinos.
I really like the Albinos, but hets may just be easier to breed. At least, for me they are. I'll never buy another Albino. I can breed what I want from my hets. I will try to get my Albinos that were born this year to breed when they grow up. When I want to add some new blood to my Albinos I'll just get another Het.
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