Posted by:
at Tue Jul 25 09:51:40 2006 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by boaphile ]
Am I the only paranoid one?
OK, so I have been breeding Boas for a while. A long while. More than 20 years. I have produced quite a few animals and yet... Every single time I feed my animals, while I have females gravid, I am always a little weirded out fearing that something bad could happen with one of my gravid females while I'm feeding the other animals. Does anyone else worry about this? Now mind you, nothing has ever happened of a negative nature ever. It just has never happened. But! I still worry about it. I mean think about it. In the wild, Boas are never subject to the intense aroma of FOOD that they are subject to in captivity. A single animal that happens by in the wild, with the whole wide world to dilute the smell, means that the intensity of that smell is so minute, there is no way we could smell it. Now fast forward to my place. I'm dragging about a 30 gallon trash can half filled with fresh killed rats. About 200 of them at a crack and there is absolutely no missing the pungent odor that permeates every cell of my body. It STINKS! So the smell is overwhelming! Now, the gravid animals that are due soon are not fed. This though most would happily take a rat of two. So I worry they will do something wrong or that in the excitement of smelling all those tasty morsels that they might hurt themselves banging on the door or that they may deliver their unborn babies prematurely.
Nothing of this sort has ever happened. Ever. I have never had a female give birth on the day of feeding. That just has not happened either. I have had a female give birth the day after feeding everyone else. So nothing bad has ever happened. I don't think it will but, I still find myself worrying about it. Does anyone else do this?
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