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Hey Bill, IMO you're on the right track.

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Posted by: rainbowsrus at Thu Oct 5 18:52:09 2006   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by rainbowsrus ]  

I believe the number of active breeders would be a great definition for "size" of breeders. I do wonder where the break points should be. On thought, how many breeders would fit into the >75 breeder category? That might affect where to set the "big" breeder point. I'm thinking more like:

Small - 2 to 25 breeders
Medium - 25 to 50 breeders
Large - > 50 breeders
Huge (crazy) - > 100 breeders

By either count I am a small breeder about to grow into a medium breeder this fall

>>Gosh, I'm kinda disappointed in the lack of discussion on this topic ... it must have been a bad topic or simply bad timing to toss it out there.
>>Anyways, since I initiated this topic, let me share my definition of a "big breeder", more specifically a "big Boa breeder".
>>First, I am limiting my definition to only BREEDERS ... not resellers, collectors, etc.
>>Secondly, my definition is only for BOA breeders. You might be a "big Boa breeder", a "big Gecko breeder", a "big Ball Python breeder", etc., or a even "big Reptile breeder". How you quantify the word BIG will differ for different animals, hence I am staying focused on only boas. You might be a Small boa breeder, yet a BIG Ball Python breeder.
>>OK, now for the key word ... BIG. Personally, BIG to me is simply defined by the "Number of Active Breeders" with which an individual works. Note that I introduced another key word, ACTIVE". Exactly, what number of active breeders makes one a Small, Medium, or Large (aka BIG) breeder is still open for discussion. As a starting point, I'll throw out the following:
>>Small Breeder - 2 to 25 active breeders (note that I started with 2 ... I know what some are going to say, but for me, "it still takes 2"
>>Medium Breeder - 25 to 75 active breeders
>>Large (BIG) Breeder - over 75 active breeders (definitely over 100)
>>In summary, a "big Boa breeder" is anyone who works with breeder stock of more than 75-100 active breeders.
>>I like to keep it simple. Number of babies produced, total $$$ sales, etc. will in most cases be a function of the number of animals. I know some are more prolific than others, prices will vary, etc., so let's don't go there now.
>>Based on my definition and starting pointed above, I am interested in what others feel are good number ranges for Small, Medium, and Large/BIG. Feel free to contribute ... maybe we can come up with a consensus.
>>As far as who I prefer to buy from, it normally boils down to 2 things that have little to do with the size of their breeding stock. I go with the REPUTATION of the breeder and the AVAILABILITY of "rare" animals. I'll buy from you if you have a favorable reputation (earned though prior transactions, and consensus throughout the market), and I'll buy from you if you have a rare animal that I want and only a limited number of individuals have it. Small, Medium, or BIG, this is what it takes to get my hard-earned cash. Also, I buy Genes first, and Looks second ... another reason why REPUTATION is so important.
>>And on a closing note, I consider myself a Medium-sized BOA breeder. The maximum number of breeder stock that I feel I can comfortably manage by myself is 50. I don't like anyone else messing with my animals. Add yearlings and new neonates to my husbandry responsibilites, not to mention marketing/sales activities, and I have my hands full.
>>I don't envy BIG breeders at all; these guys (and gals) work around the clock, 7 days a week, make enormous sacrifices, and in many cases, assume large financial risks though investments in facilities and animals ... if they are successful, they deserve it!
>>Time for me to get back to packing for Tinley Park (Chicago). I just felt I needed to offer my editorial.
>>Thanks for listening ... Bill

Dave Colling

0.1 Wife (WC)
0.2 kids (CBB, selectively bred from good stock)

LOL, to many snakes to list, last count:
13.26 BRB
11.16 BCI
And those are only the breeders

lots.lots.lots feeder mice and rats


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>> Next topic:  Whose ready for Tinley?? - iaherper, Wed Oct 4 23:24:16 2006
<< Previous topic:  Fed my boa his first meanl...(more) - heffner2212, Wed Oct 4 17:43:22 2006