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X-ray or sonogram - gravid boa exam?

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Posted by: liquid-leaf at Wed Jul 18 05:43:53 2007   [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by liquid-leaf ]  

Since in the next month I'll be out of town a couple of times, but my female suri still hasn't given birth yet, I'm considering taking her to the vet to see if she is indeed gravid or not. Since she is 138 days POS, I would hope that any young would be visible by X-ray or sonogram/ultrasound. My question is, which would be better? Would an Xray be less traumatic and more clear? Or would a sonogram be easier? I am REALLY reluctant to try and move Foo for an exam, I don't want to endanger her or any possible babies.

I do have an exotic vet that I normally take my reptiles to. However, I've never taken a large (and gravid!) snake in, and am unsure of the willingness of the vet techs to "participate". That, and the fact that I haven't handled this snake much since I adopted her with her mate (right at the start of breeding season), makes me a little nervous, along with the knowledge that handling during pregnancy is risky.

However, I don't have anyone I'd trust to care for a litter should one 'pop out' of her while I am gone (I can get someone to water them, but that's about it), and am fearful that I'll return from vacation to a cageful of squashed or dried out babies, or babies that might eat each other. Her due date was so far ahead of my travel plans, that I didn't think it would be an issue.

One trip, I'll just be gone for a long weekend, but the other, later one, I'll be gone a whole week.

Any advice? Given the situation, would a vet visit be justified? If she were to give birth during the long weekend trip, would the babies be ok for a couple of days?

I think if she hadn't given birth by then, I'd take her in to the vet before the long trip.

Thanks, all!
Lauren Madar - | CageMakers
1.0 BP, 1.0 Hog Is., 1.1 Hypo BCI, 1.1 Surinam BCC, 0.1 GTP


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>> Next topic:  Breeders - is she gravid? Lots of pics. - liquid-leaf, Wed Jul 18 11:21:56 2007
<< Previous topic:  Pearlescent Boas: - BigJim55, Wed Jul 18 03:32:56 2007