Posted by:
at Mon Jun 21 16:33:15 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]
I have a tiny itsy bitsy problem with your statement. You said, GRANTED TO MAKE MONEY, about the private herpers and hobbyist. As if that is a bad thing.
Do you think professional herpers, that work at zoos or universities work for FREE?? They also do it for money.
For instance, who pays for field work, the herp professor or the school, or a grant. Would they work for free like most of us private herpers did/do? We even work at a loss money wise. hahahahahahahahaha, ok they are indeed smarter then us.
The point is, knowledge and information does not care where the money comes from. In fact, if herps had a REAL value, they would have been bred and understood, decades earlier. They were ignored because they had no value to society.
Do you think the government would want to get rid of us if we were big business? heck no, they want tax dollars. Those who pay the most taxes are the ones supported by law. Heck, if smokes were free, they would be against the law. What about pot, hahahahahahaha lets legalize it and tax it. Booze, hmmmmmmmmm taxes taxes taxes. Go green and get rid of petrol fuels, heck no, to much taxes here, keep using it, heck with the global warming, hahahahahahahahaha. Ok, its not funny, but there is real truth here.
Guys, its all about money, if snakes had a chemical that was used to prevent cancer, they would have VALUE and would be bred like chickens, or if we ate them. Etc etc etc.
If we hunted them like deer we would save their habitat, problem is, no money, no real value. No value, goodbye.
The making of the captive bred industry was and is the very best chance for their protection in nature.
I do find it funny that folks us money as a negative thing when every friggin thing we do is ABOUT MONEY. Stop making it and see what happens. Cheers
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