Posted by:
at Tue Jul 6 17:46:18 2010 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by DMong ]
That would be IMPOSSIBLE to inherit any genetics from his father..HAHAHAHA!!.........huh????
Dude, forget about being "reminded" of things, he has his freakin father's genetic code!, and EVERYTHING that goes along with it!
Sure alot of things can be attributed to learned behaviors, or being a product of your environment, and learn things from what you may see around you, but Jorge(and everyone else) is exactly half of their father's genetic make-up..LOL!
Now, everyone knows that many Hondo's can be very spastic, some not so much, some insanely so, and anything in between.
I bred two absolutely INSANELY spastic/bonkers ghost Hondo's together, and what do you think happened..LOL!
BINGO!!,....INSANELY SPASTIC offspring!...every single one of them. Was this definitely caused by the two adults being WHACKO'S?, this cannot be proven in only one breeding, but it could easdily be the reason just the same too.
Sure, I have had lots of different temperaments hatched in the past, some can be absolute sweethearts to, and anything from a 1 to a 10 as well as far as nervousness, but these mellower ones usually came from better mannered parents too as a rule.
Surely I am not saying that any offspring will be anything one way or another, but all things are inherited, it's just the way it is.
Yes, it can get complicated I know, because Jeffrey Dahmer's parents weren't freak serial killers, but who can say there wasn't something weird in the genetics waiting to come floating to the surface in ther offspring either..LOL!
~Doug ----- "a snake in the grass is a GOOD thing"
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