Posted by:
at Fri Jun 1 14:27:26 2012 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FR ]
A couple of things, ITs not theory when its applied and works. Which we have both, BR and I, have done many many times.
Next, I am not BR and he is not FR. WE do many things alike, like our basic respect for the animals, but also do and think of many things differently.
The great part of that is, we recieved very similar results. Our methods both have explored the upper levels of our snakes potential.
ABout theory, we do and have done what we speak of, so its not theory. You on the otherhand do not do this, so its theory to you. Our convesation to you is to help you get your theory in working order so you could actually try it and have a good chance of having it work, if you decided to ever apply it. Which of course you do not have to.
If you did try it now, you would only be a copy cat. So please don't.
The problem is, with each and every method, will fail if done poorly, or misunderstood. And surely you are not understanding anything we say.
The problem again is, you seem to want to fight understanding and not actually want to learn anything. Thats based on your confrontational questioning instead of inquesitive questioning. From my point of view, you folks are attacking, well you are.
I keep saying you can and should go on doing whatever your doing. That has nothing to do with understanding other methods and work well.
I do fail to understand why your so narrow minded. But then, its not my problem, that would be yours.
Also, I don't understand why you even bother to post on OUR threads. If you have no interest in this, why even bother? To me, that is a great question.
I do wonder, lots of newbies come here with a 10 gallon tank, screen lid, indoor outdoor carpet, and half round hollow piece of plastic wood and water bowl and a UT heater(petshop setup), and you say nothing. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha how odd, you only attack those you precieve to have better results then you. Funny I think. Cheers
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