Posted by:
at Tue Jun 5 23:49:47 2012 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Bluerosy ]
In fact he will eat a hopper per week and perhaps more. I'm wondering if he my need to be offered two at a time, then fed less frequently. Any input on that?
IMO you have him on a starvation diet.
You are underfeeding him. Feed him two large adult mice per week. Preferably one every three days. He is still growing and won't get fat. You could bump that up to 3 adult mice per week if he still want more. I would try that!
By underfeeding a cal king that size one hopper or two hoppers per week will make him malnourished and a unhealthy adult later in life. They need good nutrition early in life to develope properly.
Also take the "once per week" feeding and throw it out. Feed him every 3-4 days and you can try two mice per feeding. If he eats then he is hungry. You can't over feed a growing pet snake. if you decide to breed him , then you will have to keep feeding him as males shut down ----- Why I say, you attack is, you do not consider anything said, and use random questions that do not relate to the subject or the train of thought that will allow you to learn about the subject. You jump back and forth in some random line of questioning base on what you do not understand.
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