You are one of a number of nice decent folks who gets trampled by huge obnoxious egos that have no personal insight as to how they come across to others and probably worse yet, don't care even if they do.
Spirited debate amongst guys is one thing. The stuff that goes on here is just totally bizarre, not unlike a Twilight Zone episode where the biggest offenders try to paint themselves as victims being persecuted for standing for the truth rather than guys acting like egomaniacal bullies and feigning surprise when they cause a backlash from regular folks no willing to accept disrespectful behavior.
I think a phyciatrist might say something along the lines of Narcasitic behavior with no insight. It isn't likely to change easily as we are talking about grown men who have acted this way all their lives. There may or not be wreckage in their personal lives as a consequence that eventually could help them take ownership of their behavior and make changes but without that or earnest moderation here it is not realistic to believe anything can/will change.
I peek in here every now and again because reptiles are a serious passion but it is always the same 3 folks ( lets be clear, FR, BR and Thomas) berating others. I can not stand on the fence as some try to do and not say something. Sometimes for bad stuff to go on decent people just need to stay quiet for it to flourish.
I miss the times when this was a good forum to enjoy the animals and banter and debate fun stuff. It increased my passion. This is like watching a bad accident over and over and over and over again......