Posted by:
at Mon Mar 28 12:14:24 2005 [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Randall_Turner ]
okay for the most part im good to go... for now. but im planning on getting my breeding pairs asap so i need to know what temp to keep them at for now (i have a while till breeding time). so would 80-84 degrees be good to keep the temp at year round (if not cycling)?
I keep my ambients at approximately 85 degrees.
and what is "too small" or "too big" of a cage for breeding?
I have a few females in 4x2x1 enclosures and 1 female in a 6x2x2, base it more on what the female will be comfortable in rather then what size to breed them in (mine usually stay right on top of one another most of the time when paired so an enlarged enclosure for breeding imo is not required)
and i still never found when to put the male in with the female. do you suggest changing temp? alot of people seem to not change temp ever. are they saying they just dont cycle or do they keep it the same day and night and all year round?
You can pair them up at different times based on when you feel comfortable doing so. Many people breed earlier in the season while many others later, and then some others breed year round depending on age and maturity of their animals. You will need to figure this one out yourself. I change the ambient temps for my boas to 80-82 degrees for breeding attempts. When ever temps would rise above 85 ambient the male would quit breeding so I have not tried leaving temps at there normal level. and when should i stop feeding the male and female? i have herd alot of different responses what do you all do? and last of all when should i start feeding my female extra to fatten her up? is 2 months before good enough? thanks for answering everything for me!
The Boa Constrictor Manual will give you suggestions on how to prepare them feeding cycle wise for breeding. For the female you do not want to "fatten" her up, a fat snake is less likely to produce as healthy a litter as a thinner muscular one. (not too thin of course, just not the super fat 40+ pounders you see that look like miniature burms rather then boas)
Good luck. ----- Randall L Turner Jr.
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