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a few things

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Posted by: PHFaust at Sat Feb 25 12:25:52 2012  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHFaust ]  

I have been keeping track of this thread. I have no clue who the breeder may have been but I noticed that prior to the breakdown in communication, you mentioned the breeder offered to take the snakes back. I assume that included in that was also a refund. This is obviously a sign of a breeder who is communicating. While you may hold a grudge, this breeder does appear, from those statements alone to wish to work with you and help you.

I also notice mention of them improving. Stress can be an AMAZING thing. I have seen numerous animals show up on my doorstep as rescues and they go through some rough first few months. I have seen weekly sheds by snakes that is mindboggling, but that I attribute to being a stress related to the change.

I am gathering many of you may know who originally bred the snakes and are jumping the bandwagon on the attacks. I personally have no clue who this breeder is, but all the bandwagon jumping will stop.

I would venture to say stress may be a major contributing factor to what is going on. While I cant find much on Zonata disease, I have heard that there are neuro issues related to it as well. From what little I know about this group of snakes, they are somewhat more easily stressed and tend to dehydrate easy.

If the condition continues to improve, I would assume personally that it is related to the stress of change and not something the breeder has in their collection. However I will also say the secretive attacks on a breeder will not last here. You all know how I and kingsnake feel on personal attacks.
Cindy Steinle
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>> Next topic:  question on temps - grnpyro, Sat Feb 18 07:17:56 2012
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