Posted by:
at Thu Oct 23 18:07:11 2003 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by oreganus ]
I hear all of these rumors and outrageous claims that the antivenomoid crowd like to spread around, but I have yet to see any evidence that regeneration,fraud,or any other of these events have occurred. I will say however, that someone should really be wary of anyone who cannot state where the snakes were devenomized and who did the surgery. There are only a few people in the US that can do surgery, there are others that think they can do it, but end up doing half ass work and the snakes look like crap and suffer from infections,prolonged pain,ect. Just because someone is a vet, doesn't mean they can automatically do this surgery right. That is just a copout that the antivenomoid like to come up with. No matter where someone gets a venomoid, I would highly recommend testing the snake thoroughly several times a year to make sure that is infact harmless, since you should trust no one with your life, except yourself. Kevin
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