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at Sun Jul 29 09:54:31 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by otis07 ]
hold on, i'm going to get the article... The Living Vivarium Series: Tropical Getaway by Rex Lee Searcey.
The tank has 72 square feet and it's dimensions are 6'L 3'Wx 4'T, and to say the least, it is a very big tank. It has a 30 gallon pool. Thats a big tank, but for over 100 animals? and over 32 species? maybe not. Rex Lee was trying to create a "dream viv" with many species existing together in harmony, something that naturally exists in nature. But in nature animals dont' get along, when many people try to create multiple species vivs they often argue the point that "they get along in the wild", but most of the time they don't. They occupy different niches, they live in different parts of the habitat, and they often prey on eachother. you say we don't know much about this man, and we don't, and he could have studied, but im guessing he failed, because anyone who knows anything about this knows that mixing species is risky- with only 2 species, but over 32, that is an impossible task and is only attempted by the ignorant at the expense of the animals. i also love reptiles magazine and have been reading it for the past few years and haven't really found anything that i disagreed with like this. i wouldn't say this is arguing, just debating. it is the person who reads these jobs to figure out what they think, and hopefully most will agree with me in saying that mixing over 30 species in an enclosure is not a good idea. i did the math and there is around 3.5 gallons for each animal in the tank. and from just glancing at the long list of species i see a snake, dendrobates, lizards, reed frogs, and an assortment of invertibrates and fish. i am not going to say anything about the fish and inverts. because i don't know as much about them. but for anyone who keeps poison frogs seriously they know that these beautiful little frogs are extremely territorial. a little frog that is the size of a thumbnail will claim a territory over ten gallons, almost 3 times what they are getting. one of the species;D. leucomelas will drown any frog that attempts to get in the way of it's breeding. and another thing, mixing morphs? not a good idea either. they could breed and make hybrids, heavily frowned among apon in the dart world. the diets of these animals range from crickets to fruit flies. fruit flies, while a perfect food for darts will lay eggs in leaf litter and can harm other larger animals that will not know to eat them. and crickets for the chameleons and geckos, they could kill many of the dart frogs. interest isn't enough, reserch counts and apparently this guy did none. i think we aught to continue this for those reading, and for those reading, please contribute, the more people that we get to say no to 32 species in one tank the better! triniian- do some reserch on darts, on the species kept in the tank, and after you have done enough come back and tell us why YOU think they could be kept together. i've allready told you why they can't.
we arn't being pessimists, just realists, and in genral (this might be hard for you to beleive im an optomist). but the fact is that 85% of all herps die within their first year of care, and this is why. and thats a fact and numbers don't lie.
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