Posted by:
at Thu Jun 26 10:24:23 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHFaust ]
>>Hi Cindy. Thanks for the reply. >> >>He is in an aquarium and I do have 2 cat’s that are VERY interested in him. My daughter has drawn pictures and we taped them on the bottom 5 inches of the tank (as to hide him from the cats view). Of course I am not home during the day to see if there is an antagonistic situation developing. The aquarium is 35 gallons and will soon need to be upgraded – if he was a pleasant pet I would have upgraded it already since nose to tail doesn’t fit front to back any longer. The books say that’s the time to enlarge the home.
Top opening cages are the bane of many lizards, young iguanas included! Big hand from above is EVIL and must be killed. I cant tell you how many iguanas it made a different to switch the cage opening. Some of it may be lack of movement. He has no where really to work of energy. If I were you I would consider giving a reptarium a shot. The are cheap transitional cages. I have my young spiny tailed iguana in one. I can open from the top to do things up there or adjust the zipper to the bottom. The one thing you will really need to be sure of is that the cats can not access the cage. They will be able to destroy it. It is screening. The nice thing is they are cheap and collapsable. It may take that BIG HAND FROM ABOVE out of the equation. Basically the iguana is defensive because it thinks you are a giant bird coming to eat it!
See if that makes a difference. ----- Cindy PHFaust
Email Cindy
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