Posted by:
at Mon Dec 15 15:12:52 2008 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by MimC85 ]
Since we arent sure whats going on with her health i wouldn't hold her at all currently - the fact that she "tolerates" handling well probably speaks more to her poor health than anything else...most uros are extremely active and really dislike handling. Please do not handle her any more until you figure out whats going on.
As the other poster mentioned, she is much older than you were told - unless she was fed a very high protein diet as a baby causing her to grow too fast (which is a whole nother issue!) my 2 year old mali is just about 10 inches now - they are slow but steady growers.
You do want to get the basking temps up closer to 130 if possible. You can add more heat bulbs or build the hides up higher. Uros are very specific in their hide requirements - shelters should be low (low enough that when they stand their back brushes against the top) and narrow enough for them to really wedge themselves in.Most commericial hides do not offer the proper security. I make my hides out of tiles and paving stones. I put the tile over the top of the paving stones and silicon them inplace - if the paving stones are too tall or too short you can use peices of broken tile ( with the edges rounded out) stacked on top of each other, with a big peice of tile across the top. These types of hides are very low, as they should be, but you can make several hides and stack them on top of each other to get closer to the bsking spot.
What is her behavior like currently? Does she bask all day? hide all day? run around, etc?
A healthy Uro should be VERY active - if the basking temps are appropriate they can heat up very quickly - so they should be hiding, then basking for a bit, then running around, then basking some more, then hiding - etc etc...very, very active. A uro that hides all day or basks all day is not healthy - or has inadequate temps, or has hides that arent offering good security.
If the walls of your tank are see through then you may want to cover the sides and back of the tank to add extra security.
Its too bad that you cant ge your Uro to the vet sooner - but int he meantime make sure you have proper hides, bump up the basking temps a bit and please stop handling her. When she goes to the vet definately have a fecal checked.
Also, you mentioned you had a UVB bulb - i think yo even mentioned the brand, but i cant remember (im sorry!) If the UVB bulb is not a repti-sun 10.0 then you should probably get one. And make sure its the long fluroescent tube variety, not the compact or coil variety. Make sure there is no plastic, glass, or screen between the bulb and the uro, and make sure the uro can get with in 12-14inches of the bulb.
Good luck with your Uro!! ----- 1.1 Bearded Dragons 2.2 Leopard Geckos 1.0 Uromastyx (Mali) 1.1 Corn snakes 0.1 Mexican Black Kingsnake 1.0 Bairds Ratsnake 1.0 Rosy Boa 1.1 Green Anoles 1.1 House Geckos 0.0.2 Flying Geckos 0.0.1 Red Eye Tree Frog
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