Posted by:
at Tue Dec 22 19:21:24 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by SouthernSerpent ]
I love how the blame just falls on everyones shoulders. This is the ridiculous fellow who pops up every now and again and causes a rucous just to stir people up then is gone for a while. It's nice to know that all of us who have ever even thought about keeping a large constrictor or a hot herp are to blame for this legislation being brought down on us like white on rice. If not for those of us and the organizations that fight the rule changing during the middle of the game then we would be up the creek. I for one am not going to fade away quietly into the night and let oppression take over my hobby because some un or ill informed senator has a hard on for showing out to try and make Florida's problem a problem for us all. If Florida wants to fix their problem then that's fine with me. I'm sure that there would be plenty of volunteers who would be more than glad to assist them in their plight. We have fought gun legislation for years in this country. We have fought time and again to keep what we love and love to do in this country. No one is forced to deal with our hobby(s). We truly represent the flag that was flown during the American revolution. "Don't tread on me" The symbol and the saying are as accurate as it gets to this day. We have Gestapoesk officials trying to make us meld into everyone else so we can be a faceless and uniform country these days. We elect morons into office and let the press run stories that are untrue about many many things. The time to stand up and be counted is here. The time to say enough is now. The time for freedom is upon us. I say fight fire with fire. I say we need local, regional and national news coverage of our stories. We need to show the country and the world that not everyone who keeps and or breeds is a monster. We need some positive publicity. We need our friends and family to stand with us. It's not just the keepers and breeders. It's our loved ones who will take the economic hit with us if things go down the drain. Our friends and family will make more numbers to take the battle to the legislators and turn the course of the fight more in our favor. Our forefathers faced a huge task in fighting for our freedom to be our own country, and now we are at the same crossroad for our personal freedoms. Never give up! Never surrender!! ----- 1.0 100% het albino columbian 0.1 pastel columbian 0.1 hypo columbian 0.1 guyana 0.1 surinam 0.2 jcp 1.0 irian jaya 1.1.1 normal balls 1.0 granite al burm 0.1 granite het al burm 0.1 albino burm 1.0 sunfire retic 0.2 tiger retics
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