Posted by:
at Sat Dec 26 15:39:39 2009 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by EvilMorphgod ]
>>and alot of their owners. >> >>BTW I didn't read ANY of your responds because frankly I don't give a sh*t about what you have to say. >> >>I'm not for banning big snakes either I'm just for extreme regulation. Ya'll have effed up this hobby for long enough. >> >>So I'm going to point out a few of the reason I'm so jaded to you big snake owners. >> >>1) Big snake owners posing as pet friendly people and taking FREE Puppies and Kittens and feeding them to their snake because they can’t afford the food.
I would basically want to MURDER ANYONE DOING SUCH STUFF...... I am an animal lover and I have a bad enough time feeding off rodents as it is!!
That is a TERRIBLE assumption......
>> >>2) Big snake owners using their big snake as social statement, prop, or to gain attention. You don't see gun owners walking around flashing their pistols in the public even in open carry states. Most people understand discretion. Alot of big snake owners do not. >> >>3) Big snake owners who breed and then sell them without really telling the buyers just what kind of commitment they are getting into. >> >>4) Big snake owners who release their snakes. >> >>5) Big snake owners who have already cause many herp shows to close down because the local authorities have forced show vendors to purchase business licenses, breeders permits, and exotic animal permits. They have also brought negative attention from state Fish and Game Depts. >> >>6) Big snake owners who have brought a huge amount of negative attention to the hobby by keeping snakes that they cannot control and have killed numerous snake owners and their friends and family not to mention the slew of bites and injuries these snakes have inflicted. I freely admit some of this negative attention was through no real fault of some owners but many are caused because the keepers don’t feed their snakes enough (because they can’t afford it or because it’s to inconvenient) or don’t want to deal with cleaning up the mess they leave. >> >>Now frankly I don’t give a crap what any of you all think of me. Go ahead call me ignorant call me stupid call me uninformed. The fact is I am informed. To well informed. I just posted the personal experiences I have had with big snake owners. I haven’t even mentioned the “hot” herp keepers. >> >> >>KISS IT >>----- >>Vichris >>"The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane"- Marcus Aurelius ----- "Satan™" is a registered trademark of NERD, Inc. Any copyright infringement is punishable by ETERNAL DAMNATION and some other terrible stuff.
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