Posted by:
at Wed Feb 17 17:39:37 2010 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by TOM_CRUTCHFIELD ]
Their damn sure doing NOTHING about the 1,000 plus feral cats living on a $100,000 endowment by the folks residing at the OCEAN REEF CLUB on North Key Largo. MANY papers have been published by the Univ. of Florida about how the cats are solely responsible for the demise of the Key Largo Wood Rat you hear so much about these days. Google that info and watch what comes up. NOTHING HAS OR IS BEING DONE AND SEVERAL PAPERS EXPLAIN WHY. This is NOT a straw man argument but simply a fact. Yhe reason I bring it up is one of the rats was found in the stomach of the 2 Pythons found on Key Largo. A big deal was made of that but the cats weren't mentioned. Why is that Amazon Doc? This is NOT a straw man rebuttal but a serious problem... ----- Tom Crutchfield
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